We are pleased and excited to announce the launch of our brand new website. We wanted something which would represent who XV Wealth are, and so our design centred around creating something professional yet personal, uncluttered yet informative and above all, easy for our clients and prospective clients to understand and to navigate.

We realise that a website is a way for people to find out about us, and it was imperative to create a site which gives prospective clients an insight into who we are.
Matt and Chris have a wealth of experience playing sport at an elite level. They both played rugby at a National Level, with Matt also a former scratch golfer and Chris is a former martial arts silver medalist..
In addition and perhaps more importantly, both have many years running their own businesses, with Chris's main role as Financial Director in engineering and property businesses, and Matt the Managing Director of a successful property development company.
This combination of sport and business experience, has helped develop a shared ethos of team-work, a goal orientated mindset, and the ability to adapt to a changing landscape, things we believe are fundamental to successful financial planning and life in general.
What is next?
With that in mind, we will continue to develop and improve our website to provide you with information and details about our services, the industry and our business.
If you want to know more...
We hope that you find our website a good insight into XV Wealth and us, and if you would like to have a further chat to discuss your financial circumstances, please call us or drop us an email at any time.