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Our Philosophy

XV Wealth's Investment Philosophy

We will deliver an evidence-based portfolio that is diversified, geographically, across asset classes and across sectors to deliver on your specific goals.  This will allow you to concentrate on your personal and business life with the peace of mind that your financial goals are being taken care of by a team of highly qualified and experienced advisers with uncompromising morals and ethics. 


There is no magic bullet or esoteric knowledge that provides enormous returns in the short term. That would be gambling.


Investing is about the long game. As such, our philosophy is simple and akin to those used with demonstrable success by the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund and Warren Buffett, amongst others.

- We believe the capital markets are generally efficient; as such most securities and stocks are accurately priced and continually take into account the entire markets views.


- Akin to this, we believe that anticipated news is rapidly disseminated and reflected in stock prices.


- As a result our view is that Active Management (which is predicated on the desire to beat the market) is largely inefficient, certainly over the long term. There is significant research to support this and one such piece, published by Standard and Poor showed that just over 10% of Active managers outperform their benchmark over a 10 year period. That means nearly 90% do not.


- On the other side of the debate is the historical record, which shows that tracking global equities has been the most effective asset class with the greatest, above inflation, return of the last 100 years.



Therefore our core investment strategy revolves around passive funds, which guarantee the asset class return (less costs). This brings clarity and structure to our clients investments and reduces portfolio risk to the markets (systematic) level.



So, when is the best time to invest? The answer is always a categorical, now! 

XV Wealth is a trading name of Corbel Partners Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.


Registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 05280582, Registered Address: 750 Mandarin Court, Warrington, Cheshire, Wa1 1GG


Our complaints procedure is available on request and if you cannot settle your complaint with us, you may be entitled to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service at


Information contained in this website is based upon UK legislation and regulation and is targeted at consumers based in the UK.

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